About Me

Hello, I'm Peizhong Ju, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science of University of Kentucky. I earned my Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 2021 and my B.S. degree from Peking University in 2016.

My research area includes machine learning, smart grid, optimization, and wireless communication. My recent research focuses on theories for explaining the performance of machine learning models. Before that, I worked on power systems and wireless communication. Generally speaking, the goal of my research is to use rigorous mathematical analysis (including probability theory, optimization, game theory, and random matrix theory) to understand the fundamental limits of a complex system under uncertainty and/or disturbance.

You can contact me at peizhong.ju@uky.edu

My CV (as a pdf file) is here (Last updated: Mar 2, 2025).

Check out my Google Scholar profile for a list of my publications.


  • On Feb 28, 2025, I presented our PSMGD work and chaired an oral session at AAAI'25 at Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • On Feb 11, 2025, our paper "How to Find the Exact Pareto Front for Multi-Objective MDPs?" is selected to be presented as a Spotlight (5.1% of the submitted papers) by ICLR'25.
  • On Jan 22, 2025, three of our papers were accepted by ICLR'25: two focused on diffusion models and one exploring multi-objective MDPs.
  • On Jan 15-16, 2025, I attended the NeTS Early Career Workshop 2025 at NSF in Alexandria, VA
  • On Dec 9, 2024, our research paper on Fast Multi-Objective Optimization was accepted to AAAI'25.
  • I joined the Department of Computer Science of University of Kentucky in August, 2024. Photo
  • On Jul 28, 2024, two of our papers were accepted by MobiHoc'24. One is about Federated Learning, and another is on network-edge classification.
  • On Jan 16, 2024, two of my papers on Reinforcement Learning were accepted by ICLR'24.
  • On Jul 27, 2023, I and Sen Lin presented our continual learning work at ICML'23 at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu.
  • On Jul 20, 2023, The Ohio State University News reported our continual learning research in a press release: "Future AI algorithms have potential to learn like humans, say researchers."


Assistant Professor

2024 - Present Department of Computer Science at University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Postdoctoral Scholar

2021 - 2024 ECE department at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA NSF AI Institute on Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence (AI-EDGE)

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

2016 - 2021 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering

2012 - 2016 Peking University, Beijing, China

Honors & Awards

  • Best Paper Award, 13th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2022)
  • The Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University, 2021
  • Best Paper Award Finalist of 9th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2018)
  • Outstanding Graduate Award of EE department of Peking University, 2016 (the only one that year)
  • Outstanding Graduate Award of Peking University, 2016
  • IEEE Student Grant, 2015
  • Research Excellence Award, Peking University, 2015
  • China National Scholarship, 2015
  • Samsung Scholarship, 2014
  • Award of excellence, OpenHW2014 open source hardware and embedded computing contest (awarded by ARM and XILINX), 2014
  • EMC Scholarship, 2013



Conference Papers

  1. Yining Li, Peizhong Ju, and Ness B. Shroff, "How to Find the Exact Pareto Front for Multi-Objective MDPs?" 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25). spotlight arXiv version
      title={How to Find the Exact Pareto Front for Multi-Objective MDPs?},
      author={Li, Yining and Ju, Peizhong and Shroff, Ness B},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15557},
  2. Yuchen Liang, Peizhong Ju, Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Theory on Score-Mismatched Diffusion Models and Zero-Shot Conditional Samplers," 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25). arXiv version
      title={Theory on Score-Mismatched Diffusion Models and Zero-Shot Conditional Samplers},
      author={Liang, Yuchen and Ju, Peizhong and Liang, Yingbin and Shroff, Ness},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.13746},
  3. Yuchen Liang, Peizhong Ju, Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Broadening Target Distributions for Accelerated Diffusion Models via a Novel Analysis Approach," 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25). arXiv version
      title={Broadening target distributions for accelerated diffusion models via a novel analysis approach},
      author={Liang, Yuchen and Ju, Peizhong and Liang, Yingbin and Shroff, Ness},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13901},
  4. Mingjing Xu, Peizhong Ju, Jia Liu, and Haibo Yang, "PSMGD: Periodic Stochastic Multi-Gradient Descent for Fast Multi-Objective Optimization," 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'25). arXiv version
      title={PSMGD: Periodic Stochastic Multi-Gradient Descent for Fast Multi-Objective Optimization},
      author={Xu, Mingjing and Ju, Peizhong and Liu, Jia and Yang, Haibo},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.10961},
  5. Peizhong Ju, Haibo Yang, Jia Liu, Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Can We Theoretically Quantify the Impacts of Local Updates on the Generalization Performance of Federated Learning?" 25th International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc'24), 2024 . arXiv version
      title={Can We Theoretically Quantify the Impacts of Local Updates on the Generalization Performance of Federated Learning?},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Yang, Haibo and Liu, Jia and Liang, Yingbin and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc'24)},
  6. Chengzhang Li, Peizhong Ju, Atilla Eryilmaz, and Ness B. Shroff, "Efficient Multi-dimensional Compression for Network-edge Classification," 25th International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc'24), 2024 . paper
      title={Efficient Multi-dimensional Compression for Network-edge Classification},
      author={Li, Chengzhang and Ju, Peizhong and Eryilmaz, Atilla and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc'24)},
  7. Peizhong Ju, Arnob Ghosh, and Ness B. Shroff, "Achieving Fairness in Multi-Agent MDP Using Reinforcement Learning," 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'24), 2024. arXiv version
      title={Achieving Fairness in Multi-Agent {MDP} Using Reinforcement Learning},
      author={Peizhong Ju and Arnob Ghosh and Ness Shroff},
      booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
  8. Yining Li, Peizhong Ju, and Ness B. Shroff, "Achieving Sample and Computational Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Action Space Reduction via Grouping," 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'24), 2024. arXiv version
      title={Achieving Sample and Computational Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Action Space Reduction via Grouping},
      author={Li, Yining and Ju, Peizhong and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
  9. Sen Lin, Peizhong Ju (co-first author), Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Theory on Forgetting and Generalization of Continual Learning," 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'23), 2023. arXiv version
      title={Theory on forgetting and generalization of continual learning},
      author={Lin, Sen and Ju, Peizhong and Liang, Yingbin and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
  10. Peizhong Ju, Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Theoretical Characterization of the Generalization Performance of Overfitted Meta-Learning," 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'23), 2023. arXiv version
      title={Theoretical Characterization of the Generalization Performance of Overfitted Meta-Learning},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Liang, Yingbin and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations},
  11. Peizhong Ju, Xiaojun Lin, and Ness B. Shroff, "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Three-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Model," 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'22), 2022. arXiv version
      title={On the generalization power of the overfitted three-layer neural tangent kernel model},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Lin, Xiaojun and Shroff, Ness},
      journal={Advances in neural information processing systems},
  12. Peizhong Ju, Xiaojun Lin, and Jianwei Huang, "Distribution-Level Markets under High Renewable Energy Penetration," Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy'22), 2022. Best Paper Award open access
      title={Distribution-level markets under high renewable energy penetration},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Lin, Xiaojun and Huang, Jianwei},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems},
  13. Peizhong Ju, Xiaojun Lin, and Ness B. Shroff, "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Two-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Models," Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'21), PMLR 139:5137-5147, 2021. arXiv version
      title={On the generalization power of overfitted two-layer neural tangent kernel models},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Lin, Xiaojun and Shroff, Ness},
      booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
  14. Peizhong Ju, Xiaojun Lin, and Jia Liu, "Overfitting Can Be Harmless for Basis Pursuit, But Only to a Degree," accepted as spotlight presentation at 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'20), 2020 (acceptance rate: 20%, spotlight presentations: 3%). spotlight arXiv version
      title={Overfitting can be harmless for basis pursuit, but only to a degree},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Lin, Xiaojun and Liu, Jia},
      journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  15. Peizhong Ju, and Xiaojun Lin, "Adversarial Attacks to Distributed Voltage Control in Power Distribution Networks with DERs,", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy'18), pp. 291-302, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 12-15, 2018. Best Paper Award Finalist paper
      title={Adversarial attacks to distributed voltage control in power distribution networks with DERs},
      author={Ju, Peizhong and Lin, Xiaojun},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems},
  16. Peizhong Ju, Meng Zhang, Xiang Cheng, and Liuqing Yang, "Generalized spatial modulation with transmit antenna grouping for massive MIMO," Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'17), Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017.
  17. Peizhong Ju, Meng Zhang, Xiang Cheng, Cheng-Xiang Wang, and Liuqing Yang, "Generalized spatial modulation with transmit antenna grouping for correlated channels," Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'16), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 22-27, 2016.
  18. Peizhong Ju, Miaowen Wen, Xiang Cheng, and Liuqing Yang, "An Effective Self-Interference Cancellation Scheme for Spatial Modulated Full Duplex Systems," Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'15), London, UK, June 8-12, 2015.

Journal Papers

  1. Peizhong Ju, Chengzhang Li (co-first author), Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff (the last two authors represent the entire AI-EDGE faculty team), "AI-EDGE: An NSF AI Institute for Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence." AI Magazine 45.1 (2024): 29-34. open access
  2. Peizhong Ju, Miaowen Wen, Xiang Cheng, and Liuqing Yang, "Achievable-Rate-Enhancing Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex Communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17 no. 12, pp. 8473-8484, 2018.
  3. Weilin Qu, Meng Zhang, Xiang Cheng, and Peizhong Ju, "Generalized Spatial Modulation With Transmit Antenna Grouping for Massive MIMO," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 26798-26807, 2017.

Pending Papers

  1. Muhammad Umair Haider, Hammad Rizwan, Hassan Sajjad, Peizhong Ju, and A.B. Siddique, "Neurons Speak in Ranges: Breaking Free from Discrete Neuronal Attribution." arXiv version
  2. Peizhong Ju, Sen Lin, Mark S. Squillante, Yingbin Liang, and Ness B. Shroff, "Generalization Performance of Transfer Learning: Overparameterized and Underparameterized Regimes." arXiv version
  3. Chengzhang Li, Peizhong Ju, Atilla Eryilmaz, and Ness B. Shroff, "Two Levels Are All You Need: Simplifying Data Compression for Timely Edge Classification."

Book Chapters

  1. Peizhong Ju, Xiaojun Lin, and Ness B. Shroff, "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Two-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Models," Chapter 3 of Artificial Intelligence for Edge Computing, Springer Nature, August 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-40787-1_3


  1. Xiang Cheng, Peizhong Ju, and Miaowen Wen, "A method of self-interference cancellation scheme for full duplex systems," 2015100550190, State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China.

Talks & Presentations

  • Keeping Current (KCS) talks
    Organizer: Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky
    Location: Lexington, KY
    Date: Feb 26, 2025
    Title: "Advancements in Multi-Objective Optimization: Exact Pareto Fronts in MDPs and Efficient Gradient Descent Methods"
  • UK Applied Math Seminar
    Organizer: Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky
    Location: Lexington, KY
    Date: October 21, 2024
    Title: "Machine Learning and Optimization in Multi-Agent Multi-Objective Frameworks"
  • FutureG Summer Research Camp
    Organizer: DoD Center of Excellence in FutureG, Arizona State University
    Location: Tempe, AZ
    Date: May 7, 2024
    Titles: "Overview of Reinforcement Learning", and "RL at the Edge: Fairness and Action Space Reduction"
  • AI-EDGE SPARKS Seminar
    Organizer: The SPARKS Organizing Committee, The Ohio State University
    Location: Columbus, OH
    Date: March 22, 2024
    Title: "Achieving Fairness in Multi-Agent MDP Using Reinforcement Learning"
  • The 15th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022)
    Organizer: King's College London
    Location: London, UK
    Date: 17-19 December 2022
    Title: "On the Generalization Power of the Overfitted Three-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Model"
  • AIRS in the AIR Academic Series
    Organizer: Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society (AIRS)
    Location: Shenzhen, China
    Date: August 23, 2022
    Title: "Distribution Level Markets under High Renewable Energy Penetration"
  • Long Feng Science Forum
    Organizer: CUHK-Shenzhen
    Location: Shenzhen, China
    Date: August 19, 2022
    Title: "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Two-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Models"
  • Joint Workshop between AI-EDGE and IBM
    Organizer: The Ohio State University
    Location: Columbus, OH
    Date: June 15, 2022
    Title: "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Two-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Models"
  • TDAI deep learning summer school
    Organizer: The Ohio State University
    Location: Columbus, OH
    Date: June 3, 2022
    Title: "On the Generalization Power of Overfitted Two-Layer Neural Tangent Kernel Models"


Feel free to reach out to me by email:


You can also find me on Google Scholar:


