Hello, I'm Peizhong Ju, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science of University of Kentucky. I earned my Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 2021 and my B.S. degree from Peking University in 2016.
My research area includes machine learning, smart grid, optimization, and wireless communication. My recent research focuses on theories for explaining the performance of machine learning models. Before that, I worked on power systems and wireless communication. Generally speaking, the goal of my research is to use rigorous mathematical analysis (including probability theory, optimization, game theory, and random matrix theory) to understand the fundamental limits of a complex system under uncertainty and/or disturbance.
You can contact me at peizhong.ju@uky.edu
My CV (as a pdf file) is here (Last updated: Aug 25, 2024).
Check out my Google Scholar profile for a list of my publications.
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